Wasantha Namaskara's 931st Visual Arts Exhibition.

The lives of artists

Wasantha Namaskara's 927th Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.

Man and the Moods

Man is a collection of a number of moods. Those moods change from moment to moment. So decisions made with only one side are very dangerous. Because there is nothing that does not change.

Wasantha Namaskara's 926th Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.

Love, sex and freedom

Man is the result of sexual intercourse. The mother and father are the partners in one's sexual intercourse. So sex is the basis of all thoughts and behaviors in human boddy. One is loved, held and liberated by the same thing. That's it. It's a beautiful story and the birth of psychopaths.

Wasantha Namaskara's 930th Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.

Painting me and my goddess

I and my goddess paint. I have no habit of keeping it secret. Everything can be painted. Man and woman get maximum pleasure only from intercourse. Healing and human kindness occur only after that. Many psychiatric disorders occur when this does not happen.
