Wasantha Namaskara's 955th Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.
Show beautiful babies when
women go to war. The fight stops.
Wasantha Namaskara's 954th Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.
When men are at war the fight to show beautiful women will stop.
War is a deadly madness. Only beautiful women can control this madness.
Namaskara's 953rd Psychological Visual Arts Exhibition.
fight because beautiful women die.
War is a deadly madness.
Only beautiful women can control this madness.
Wasantha Namaskara's 941st Psychological Visual Art Exhibition.
Mental health and the immune system
a time when people are dying from the corona epidemic, do not accept any
philosophy of art. Stop studying any principles related to art that are difficult
to understand. There is no truth in those philosophies.
breaks down your immune system. These philosophies, like the Noronha virus, are
deadly germs associated with art. The only cure for these germs in art is to
give up.
any art center you enjoy. The pleasure it brings boosts your immune system.
doesn't matter if someone else dislikes the art medium you enjoy.
Wasantha Namaskara's 940th Visual Arts Exhibition.
The Internet is the art of music and
Wasantha Namaskara's 939th Psychological
Visual Arts Exhibition.
Mental Illnesses in Sri Lankan Music Literature.
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